Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly Tip - Don't Hesitate to Call the Police!

The Arcadia Police Department serves a population of approximately 55,000 residents within 11 square miles. As expected, the men and women of the department cannot actively police every square inch of our city at all times. Therefore, more often than not, our residents serve as the eyes and ears of our dispatchers and officers.

Having a large residential community, it is not surprising that some of our most frequent calls for service involve property theft or residential burglary.  In most cases, a residential burglary begins with some type of suspicious activity within a neighborhood, often in broad daylight. This activity may range from unknown vehicles perusing the area, to individuals going door to door, determining whether or not residents are home. These individuals will most likely have a driver waiting for them, for a quick getaway in case someone begins to question their actions. Many times, after burglaries have occurred and after suspects have escaped, our reports indicate that at least one resident in the immediate area did in fact witness this, or some other type of activity prior to the crime, but for some reason, did not think more of it, or simply did not want to inconvenience the police.

The best way to decrease residential burglaries is to prevent them from occurring in the first place, by giving criminals the message that if they’re in our neighborhoods, and about to commit a crime, they are being watched – not ignored – through a joint effort by our residents and our department.
If you witness suspicious activity in your neighborhood, or see something that doesn’t sit right with you, do not simply draw the blinds and turn away; please pick up the phone and call our department’s non-emergency dispatch number at (626)574-5123 – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Of course, if you witness a crime in progress or have an emergency, always remember to dial 911.

Neighborhood crime prevention neither begins, nor ends, with a burning porch light. As a member of a greater community, you too are responsible for its protection, as safety does not simply end at your property line. Get to know your neighbors and your neighborhood, remain alert, and never hesitate to call upon our department to serve your community. Do not simply assume that someone else has called the police – three calls received are better than no calls at all.

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