Friday, April 29, 2016
Deputy David March, You Are Not Forgotten!
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Deputy David March. Dave was killed during a traffic stop on Live Oak Avenue, east of Peck Road, on April 29, 2002, at about 10:40 a.m. A memorial was built in his honor at the scene. Temple Deputies remember Deputy March not only on the anniversary of his death, but throughout the year by displaying his call sign, "57" on the rear window of Temple units. Please join APD in honoring this slain local hero, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Deputy David March.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Weekly Tip - Keep Your Dog Safe on the Road!

The ASPCA also offers tips on car travel with your pet, along with a printable version on their website.
Remember these laws are in place and the tips offered to help keep your pet and all traveling public safe.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Student Delivers a Random Act of Kindness
Last week, we posted about the Highland Oaks Elementary School "Magic Act of Kindness" project. Our Officers took up the challenge and passed along our wand, along with some special treats, to Methodist Hospital ER staff.
Yesterday, some of our folks were met with a very special "Magic Act of Kindness" by a young lady from Highland Oaks Elementary. Even the pouring rain could not keep this youngster, her little sibling, and dad, from paying us a visit. The young lady prepared a thank you letter to the Arcadia Police Department and wanted to personally deliver it to our Officers. She did just that, and other than a bit of a downpour, her timing could not have been better. Our Team 3 crew had just completed briefing and were able to accept the letter and greet our young visitor.
Moments like this really brighten our day! Thank you to this young lady for thinking of us and to Highland Oaks Elementary Student Council for starting this project!
7-Eleven Teams with Local Law Enforcement for Operation Chill
Each year, 7-Eleven, Inc. helps thousands of local police officers recognize the good guys, specifically the young ones. For the 21st year, 7-Eleven is partnering with law enforcement agencies across the country to distribute free Slurpee® drink coupons through Operation Chill®, its popular community-service program.
Big-city departments and small-town forces alike use the Slurpee coupons to enhance relations with the young people of their cities by rewarding them for good deeds, positive activities and acts of kindness.
Our Officers have been armed with Slurpee coupons to distribute in coming weeks to the kids in our community. It is a nice opportunity for officers to engage and interact with kids in a positive way. Officers will "ticket" youngsters caught in the act of doing good. Appropriate "offenses" might include helping another person, deterring crime, standing up to bullying, practicing good walking, biking, or driving safety, or participating in a positive activity in our community. Each coupon can be redeemed for a small Slurpee drink at participating 7-Eleven stores.
If you receive an Operation Chill coupon, consider posting a picture to social media with your Slurpee and be sure to tag Arcadia Police Department. If we catch it, we may repost your pic!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
FOUND PERSON/Seeking Public Assistance:
The male subject pictured stated his name is Jose Rivera, he is 81 years old; however, a records check of that name and approximate DOB could not identify him. He stated he lives in Lincoln Heights or Pomona, although, he could not provide an address. He was confused at the time LASD Deputies located him. He was found on Friday, 4/15/16, at 3:52 p.m. on an MTA bus in the City of Arcadia.
The male subject pictured stated his name is Jose Rivera, he is 81 years old; however, a records check of that name and approximate DOB could not identify him. He stated he lives in Lincoln Heights or Pomona, although, he could not provide an address. He was confused at the time LASD Deputies located him. He was found on Friday, 4/15/16, at 3:52 p.m. on an MTA bus in the City of Arcadia.
He has a distinct scar on his right shin. There is a small scar on his left thumb and a mole on the top right side of his head. He primarily speaks Spanish.
Any info on the subject, please contact Arcadia Police Department at (626)574-5150.
Weekly Tip - Be Safe While Out for a Walk!
Warmer weather, daylight saving time, summer approaching, are all reasons more pedestrians are hitting the road in the early mornings and evenings. It is important to practice good walking and running safety as a pedestrian. Many factors impact whether or not drivers will see pedestrians. Some vision obscurements and lighting conditions are not controlled by the pedestrian, but we can greatly enhance our safety and visibility with some proactive steps:
- Wear light/bright colored clothing, preferably clothing with reflective strips or perhaps a safety vest.
- Carry a lighted flashlight when walking at night.
- Use sidewalks when available.
- Walk facing traffic so you can see cars approaching.
- If walking or running in the roadway, stay out of traffic lanes - it is unsafe and possibly unlawful.
- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing streets, additional lanes, or driveways.
- Never assume drivers will stop or yield - walk defensively.
- If you must have music or talk on your phone, use only one earpiece and keep the volume down. Listen for traffic!
- Be aware of your surroundings and practice personal safety!
- Vary your routes so you are not predictable.
- Avoid dimly lit roads, alleys, and areas.
- Carry identification and a cell phone.
- Walk with a partner or friend.
- Don't approach vehicles stopping near you or in your path.
- Consider personal safety items such as pepper spray.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Central Area Neighborhood Meeting
Working to address concerns and issues specific to certain areas within the City, our Lieutenants are each responsible for geographic areas. Lt. Colleen Flores has the Central Area, bordered by Huntington Drive, Camino Real Avenue, Santa Anita Avenue, and the west City limits. This neighborhood meeting is designed for residents and businesses in the Central Area, but is open to anyone wishing to attend. Join us next Monday in the Community Room at APD.
Monday, April 25th, 7:00pm, APD Community Room
Random Act of Kindness Project
This "Magic" wand was dropped off at APD yesterday by a student from Highland Oaks Elementary School here in Arcadia. Attached to the wand is a challenge note, asking the holder to participate in a "Magic Act of Kindness" and complete a random act of kindness for someone in our community and then pass the wand along. The students are tracking their project and asking folks to email a description and photo of their random acts to the Highland Oaks Student Council at
You don't need the actual wand to participate! I bet the students would gladly accept emails and pics of any random act of kindness...after all, isn't that part of the magic? Pass it along!
Our Team 2 Day Shift crew is on it. We'll post a pic later today.
Team 2 took up the challenge for a random "Magic Act of Kindness" from students at Highland Oaks Elementary School. The team bought a box of pastries and goodies for our hardworking partners at Methodist Hospital of Southern California ER who always have our backs. We hope this small token and random act brighten their day! Pass it on!

Our Team 2 Day Shift crew is on it. We'll post a pic later today.
Team 2 took up the challenge for a random "Magic Act of Kindness" from students at Highland Oaks Elementary School. The team bought a box of pastries and goodies for our hardworking partners at Methodist Hospital of Southern California ER who always have our backs. We hope this small token and random act brighten their day! Pass it on!

Truck Adventures for Kids Benefitting Make-A-Wish
Truck Adventures For Kids is the only event where kids can experience the trucks they love in a way they never have before—in the driver’s seat. Children of all ages will enjoy more trucks and vehicles than they ever imagined, and interact with the professionals who drive them. Every truck is a playhouse, a photo op, and a mini-adventure for everyone in the family (including the big kids)!
We've got trucks! Nearly every kind of truck imaginable. Vehicles that teach, save lives, and build up the world around us―what better way for children to feel their potential than right behind the wheel? Firefighters, construction workers, police officers, military – and more! – all standing by to tell you everything there is to know about their rides. APD, AFD, and Arcadia Public Works will be there!
This Saturday, April 23rd, 9:00am - 3:00pm, at Santa Anita Park, 285 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007, enter through Gate 3.
Visit for tickets and additional information.
This Saturday, April 23rd, 9:00am - 3:00pm, at Santa Anita Park, 285 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007, enter through Gate 3.
Visit for tickets and additional information.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Old School Crime Prevention with an Engraving Tool
Helping "suppress" hub cap theft by engraving license plate numbers on individual hub caps. That engraving tool is probably still in use! Engraving helps make items identifiable if ever taken and later recovered. Take the time to record serial numbers when available and mark or engrave items when you can.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Weekly Tip - Spring Brings Out the Wildlife
It's that time of year, Spring is in the air and wildlife are starting to become more active. As temperatures begin to warm up, residents in the foothills will begin to see more and more wildlife activity. It's normal to see deer, bears, bobcats, and even the occasional mountain lion in the residential areas of the northern part of Arcadia.
The City of Arcadia’s proximity to the foothills increases the opportunity for various wildlife to wander into neighborhoods and onto private property. Bears are no strangers to the foothill neighborhoods and the likelihood of bears coming into yards, pools, and trashcans is increased during the warmer months.
Foothill residents should be alert for wildlife in their neighborhoods and take the following actions to reduce activity in their area:
- Secure trash cans in an enclosure if possible
- Harvest ripened fruit from trees
- DO NOT FEED the bears
Make sure to check your yards and closely monitor children to ensure they do not come into contact with bears or other wildlife that might cause them harm.
Should you see a bear in your neighborhood, contact the Arcadia Police Department at: (626)574-5151
For additional tips and information, please visit the California Department of Fish & Wildlife at:
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Dispatcher Appreciation Week 2016
The week of April 10-16, 2016 is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Appreciation week, also known as Dispatcher Appreciation Week. Our dispatchers are the ones who answer most of the incoming calls to the department, answer all the 911 calls, and relay important information to our officers in the field.
Dispatchers are the ones behind the scene, who are often not recognized for their work. They are the ones who answer when you dial 911 when you need help. They are a calm voice in that moment of need, and the ones who get the information to tell first responders where they are needed.
Telecommunicators Week began in California in 1981 and quickly grew to national recognition. Just ten years later, Congress designated the second full week of each April as a time to remember the critical role that dispatchers play in keeping us all safe.
On behalf of the Arcadia Police Department, we say “thank you.” Thank you to all the public safety telecommunicators and dispatchers out there. And of course, we say a special “thank you” to our dispatchers.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
APD officers arrest two suspects for residential burglary
On Wednesday, April 6th, 2016, at
approximately 7:58 P.M., Arcadia Police Officers were dispatched to the 1000
block of Singingwood Drive in regards to a suspicious person that was seen in
the rear yard of a residence and a suspicious occupied vehicle parked to the
front of that residence. Officers responded and found a suspicious vehicle
leaving the area. Officers attempted to stop that vehicle and it failed to
yield. A pursuit ensued and the driver was ultimately apprehended in the city
of Pasadena. Stolen property was located inside the vehicle. Officers also
located a second suspicious occupied vehicle parked on Singingwood Drive. The
driver of that vehicle was detained and ultimately arrested.
The investigation revealed two
residential burglaries had occurred in the 1000 block of Singingwood Drive. Both
suspects are believed to be involved in the Burglaries.
Suspect Kevin Pollard, age 24, of
Pasadena, was arrested for Penal Code 459-Residential Burglary. He is being
held in custody at Arcadia city jail on $50,000 bail. Suspect Brian Bradley,
age 23, of Pasadena, was arrested for Penal Code 459-Residential Burglary and California
Vehicle Code 2800.2-Felony Evading. He is being held in custody at the Los
Angeles County Jail on $75,000 bail.
This is another example of a citizen seeing something suspicious and calling the police department immediately. Remember if you See Something-Say Something.
Suspect: Brian Bradley
Suspect: Kevin Pollard
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Weekly Tip - Watch for Shoulder Surfers
Our APD Fraud Detectives are reminding us to be aware of "Shoulder Surfers" who are lurking about to obtain your PIN numbers. This type of crime commonly occurs at an ATM, but can happen in a store, a sales cart, or just about any point of sale location where you are required to enter a PIN. The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office put together an excellent information and awareness sheet on shoulder surfing (pictured above).
Some "Shoulder Surfing" Prevention Tips:
- Always be aware of your surroundings. Look for persons or occupied cars near the ATM. If you are not comfortable...leave and go to another machine!
- Shield your PIN entry with your other hand.
- Stand close to the machine when conducting your transaction.
- Use ATM's located inside a bank or convenience store.
- Check, look, pull or tug on the card slot, looking for attached skimming devices.
- COMPLETE your transaction. Simply removing your card may not complete or cancel a transaction. Failing to do so leaves you vulnerable if someone has obtained your PIN.
- Use the buddy system when you can. Bring a friend, relative, or co-worker to watch your back.
- Always report suspicious persons or activity to the police. See Something, Say Something!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Street Closures - Santa Anita Derby Day 5K
The 22nd Annual Santa Anita Derby Day 5K Run & Walk will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2016. As a result of this event, vehicles driving on Baldwin Avenue between Huntington Drive and Foothill Boulevard will be delayed or diverted from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. It is recommended that alternate routes be used during this time period to avoid being detoured or delayed.
Questions or concerns may be directed to Sergeant Brian Ortiz or the on-duty Watch Commander at the Arcadia Police Department, (626) 574-5156. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Additional event information can be found at the official Derby Day 5K website HERE.
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