A common concern that comes to the attention of the Traffic Bureau is drivers failing to yield to pedestrians. Pedestrian actions as well as drivers actions are governed by the Vehicle Code. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections, even when there is no marked crosswalk. Use caution when approaching a crosswalk and if you have time to safely stop, yield to the pedestrian waiting to cross. Remember, if the pedestrian has made eye contact with you, they are probably ready to cross. If the roadway is divided, allow the pedestrian to walk past the center line or median before pulling through. If it is an undivided roadway, allow the pedestrian to walk well past the half way point in the road. Always check the curbs and look to see if someone is "darting" off the curb or entering the crosswalk late. Drivers and pedestrians both need to exercise caution and courtesy. Never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk. Approach with caution and make sure the roadway and crosswalk have cleared.
Turning traffic at intersections is also dangerous for pedestrians. Even though you may have a green as a driver, you must still yield to pedestrians. Drivers making right turns must look and allow the pedestrian to step off on the green. Drivers making left turns across the intersection must make sure that not only is oncoming traffic clear, but that there are not pedestrians in the crosswalk in the path of their turn. Again, use courtesy and common sense. If the ped is well across the intersection or past the median point, you may complete your turn. If the ped is approaching you or on your side of the roadway, YIELD to them!

Pedestrians outside of a crosswalk or unmarked intersection are also held responsible by the Vehicle Code. The pedestrian may only cross the road when safe to do so and must yield to traffic. The pedestrian may not cross between two signalized intersections. This is what is known as "jaywalking".
Hi I am a parent and resident of Arcadia. Do you know if the city has a Safe Routes to School program in place.
DeleteMost of the schools have a traffic plan in place. I do not believe the AUSD participates in the Safe Routes program. Some of the schools may post their plan online - http://fa.ausd.net/modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/1414165/File/Traffic%20Flow%20Letter%20(English).pdf?sessionid=3aabc9fcaee9ac70ce374fb4e690f23e as an example.
Our Traffic Sergeant also meets at least annually with AUSD staff at each school location to discuss traffic flow, student safety, and any issues pertaining to the topic. I would suggest reaching out to the Principal at the particular school. ^TL