Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekly Tip - Parent's Guide to Internet Safety from the FBI

"Our children are our Nation's most valuable asset. They represent the bright future of our country and hold our hopes for a better Nation. Our children are also the most vulnerable members of society. Protecting our children against the fear of crime and from becoming victims of crime must be a national priority.

Unfortunately the same advances in computer and telecommunication technology that allow our children to reach out to new sources of knowledge and cultural experiences are also leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and harm by computer-sex offenders."
The Federal Bureau of Investigation offers parents an information packed Parent's Guide to Internet Safety.  The guide offers tips on watching for behavior changes or indications that a child may be the target of online predators.  Use the guide as a first step in becoming more aware of the dangers associated with online activity by our youth.  There are many great resources to be found by querying the topic.  Arm yourself with knowledge and be a part of your child's online life!

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