Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Weekly Tip - Spring Brings Out the Wildlife
It's that time of year, Spring is in the air and wildlife are starting to become more active. As temperatures begin to warm up, residents in the foothills will begin to see more and more wildlife activity. It's normal to see deer, bears, bobcats, and even the occasional mountain lion in the residential areas of the northern part of Arcadia.
The City of Arcadia’s proximity to the foothills increases the opportunity for various wildlife to wander into neighborhoods and onto private property. Bears are no strangers to the foothill neighborhoods and the likelihood of bears coming into yards, pools, and trashcans is increased during the warmer months.
Foothill residents should be alert for wildlife in their neighborhoods and take the following actions to reduce activity in their area:
- Secure trash cans in an enclosure if possible
- DO NOT FEED the bears
Make sure to check your yards and closely monitor children to ensure they do not come into contact with bears or other wildlife that might cause them harm.
For additional tips and information, please visit the California Department of Fish & Wildlife at
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Weekly Tip - STOP at Blacked Out Signals!
What will you do when you come upon a blacked out or inoperative traffic signal? California law is pretty straightforward for drivers coming upon inoperative signals at an intersection. STOP! If the signals are blacked out and not working, drivers must treat the intersection as a stop sign. CVC 21800(d)(1) is the section that governs inoperative signals. If there is a Police Officer directing traffic, you must proceed as directed. Otherwise, stop and proceed when safe to do so. Power outages, collision damage, storm-related problems, equipment failure, all can contribute to a blacked out signal. Always be alert, watch ahead, and drive smartly.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Weekly Tip - Don't Rely on Luck of the Irish!
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by millions across the country, often culminating in parties where drinking is involved. Sadly, this leads to tragedies on our roadways because of drivers who choose to leave parties impaired.
According to data from the California Highway Patrol (CHP), one person was killed and 48 others were injured in DUI crashes on St. Patrick’s Day last year. In 2017, 59 people were killed nationwide in drunk-driving crashes over the St. Patrick’s Day holiday (March 16-March 18), accounting for 37 percent of all traffic deaths.
Due to St. Patrick’s Day becoming a dangerous holiday on our roads, the Arcadia Police Department encourages everyone to plan ahead and use a designated sober driver, ride-share or public transportation. Even one drink can be one too many.
“Don’t even put yourself in a position where you need to ask whether you are okay to drive,” Arcadia Police Department's Captain Larry Goodman said. “If you feel the slightest hint of a buzz, you should not be driving.”
The Arcadia Police Department also wants to remind everyone that a “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and marijuana can all be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs.
“We all know the dangers about driving impaired,” Arcadia Police Department's Captain Goodman said. “Let’s all be responsible adults and help each other get where we need to go safely.”
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Time Springs Forward Tonight
Don't forget, tonight we "Spring Forward." Officially on Sunday morning at 2:00 am time changes to Daylight Saving Time and it becomes 3:00 am. Set your clocks before you go to bed so you aren't late to any important appointments.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Weekly Tip - Dog License and Leash Law Info
Dog Licenses
Licenses are required for all dogs over the age of four months, along with proof of rabies vaccination. If the dog is spayed, proof of sterilization is also required when obtaining the first license.
Licenses may be purchased on a yearly basis at the Cashier's Office at Arcadia City Hall located at 240 W. Huntington Drive or at the Pasadena Humane Society.
The following are current City of Arcadia license fees:
- $30 for non-spayed animals
- $15 for spayed animals
- $15 for senior citizens with non-spayed animals
- $7.50 for senior citizens with spayed animals

License forms can be downloaded HERE.
Leash Law
When on public property, all dogs must be kept on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. In addition, when walking a dog on a public street or in a public park, you are responsible for the prompt and sanitary disposal of any feces left by the dog.
Animal control services in the City of Arcadia are provided by the Pasadena Humane Society. Additional services available to animals of Arcadia residents include affordable spay/neuter services, vaccination clinics, microchipping, pet adoption, dog daycare, dog boarding, dog behavior and training classes; and humane education classes. Please contact their offices by calling 626- 792-7151.
Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA
361 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105
Fax 626-792-3810
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