A 19-year-old Los Angeles man was arrested at his residence early this morning and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on suspicion of Residential Burglary. The burglary occurred a few weeks ago on Estrella Avenue in Arcadia.
Detectives identified Anthony J. Harris as a suspect in the Arcadia burglary and a search and arrest warrant was obtained. Harris has previous felony arrests for burglary, robbery, was believed to have access to weapons and has gang affiliations. The Arcadia Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics Team, along with Detectives served the warrant at Harris's Los Angeles home early this morning and arrested Harris without incident.
Anyone with information on this incident or similar incidents is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at 626-574-5156. Or, if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app on Google play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Weekly Tip - STOP for School Bus Red Lights
School buses are equipped with flashing red lights that are activated by the driver when loading or unloading pupils. California law requires that drivers approaching from either side of the bus must stop and remain stopped while the red lights and stop arms are activated. The only exceptions to the law come into play when the bus is stopped on a roadway with multiple lanes and a divided highway or a raised center divider. If you are approaching from the opposite direction and on the opposite side of the road from the bus on a divided highway, you may proceed. This section, CVC 22454, also applies to private roads. (Photo courtesy of Sarasota County Sheriff)
This law was created for the safety of our students. It is imperative that drivers yield and stop for buses with red lights on. School bus drivers are required to assist pupils when crossing in front of the bus and may appear at any time. Be aware of pedestrians and watch out for darting kids!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Commercial Burglary Arrest After Tracker Theft
We have had much success apprehending thieves targeting packages on porches using our tracker bait packages. Detectives will also place trackers in money packs or other items to help combat recurring crimes. Local businesses in the 1200 block S. Golden West Avenue have been victims of commercial burglary and attempted burglary over the last few months. In response to the burglaries, Detectives worked with merchants and placed trackers inside the businesses to be used while the businesses are closed.
Early last Saturday morning APD received an activation of a tracker cash pack inside one of the businesses in the 1200 block S. Golden West Avenue. Officers arrived and found the business had been burglarized. The GPS signal led Officers to a nearby apartment complex where a man was detained. The cash pack was found nearby and Efrain R. Quezada, a 33-year-old from San Gabriel was arrested for Burglary.
Anyone with information on this incident or similar incidents is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at 626-574-5156, case #18-3698. Or, if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app on Google play or the App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Weekly Tip - Avoid a Parking Ticket
With school back in session, there is certainly no shortage of parking violations near our school campuses. Some of the most common complaints and requests for police service near the schools are related to parking violations. In the rush to drop off a child, it is not uncommon to find parents double parking, stopping in a lane of traffic to drop off or pick up a child, parking or stopping in a red zone, parking well away from the curb because "the trash can" was in the way, blocking or impeding a resident's driveway...you name it, we see it.
Here are a few suggestions to help alleviate the congestion and avoid a parking or moving citation:
•Park a little further away and walk your child to school.
•Obey all parking regulations.
•Follow the school's traffic plan.
•Be patient.
•Keep off the phone and pay attention.
•Set the example, don't encourage unsafe or illegal behavior.
•Be courteous to the school neighbors. It is NOT OK to impede a driveway, even if only for a few minutes.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
This Labor Day, and Every Day: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
As we enter the final stretch of summer spending time at the pool or barbequing with friends and family, the Arcadia Police Department is driving home the importance of celebrating responsibly by not driving, or riding a motorcycle, impaired.
From Aug. 17 through Sept. 3, the Arcadia Police Department is participating in a high-visibility national enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. During this period, Police and Sheriff’s Departments statewide, along with the California Highway Patrol, will increase the number of officers on the road to stop suspected drunk or drug-impaired drivers and motorcyclists. If you are caught driving or riding impaired, you will be pulled over and arrested.
The Arcadia Police Department will have a special emphasis during this 18-day mobilization to enforce all traffic violations by conducting a DUI/CDL Checkpoint on Friday, August 17, 2018
The enforcement campaign runs through the Labor Day holiday weekend, which is one of the deadliest times of year in terms of alcohol-involved traffic deaths. Sadly, one-third of all traffic deaths involve drunk drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 10,497 people were killed in alcohol-involved crashes, or one person every 50 minutes.
“It’s up to drivers to make the smart decision and drive sober not just for this enforcement period, but every day”, said Lieutenant Whalen. “This isn’t about ticketing. This is a campaign to get the message out that driving impaired is illegal and takes lives.”
The Arcadia Police Department will show zero tolerance for impaired driving or riding and joins efforts by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to educate drivers that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” If you take prescription drugs, particularly those with a driving or operating machinery warning label, you may be impaired enough to get a DUI. Marijuana can also be impairing and result in a DUI, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs.
In the ten years from 2005-2015, the percentage of drivers in fatal crashes with an impairing drug other than alcohol in their system has risen from 26.2 percent to 42.6 percent. As far back as 2012, a roadside survey in California showed more drivers tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent).
During this national enforcement campaign, there will also be increased state and national messages about the dangers of riding impaired, which combined with enforcement, aims to drastically reduce drunk or drug-impaired riding on our nation’s roadways.
Motorcycles require specific training and skill. When a rider adds alcohol, marijuana or impairing prescription medication to the mix, it is not only illegal but increases the risky nature of riding a motorcycle.
There are so many options out there to get home safely. There is no excuse for getting behind the wheel when you are impaired.
To avoid a DUI and putting others, and yourself, at risk, the Arcadia Police Department has a few tips to stay safe on the roads:
· Always designate a sober driver.
· Use public transportation or a ride-sharing service to get home.
· Use your community’s sober ride program.
· Have a friend or family member who is about to drive buzzed or impaired? Take the keys away and make arrangements to get them home safely.
· Report drunk drivers - call 911.
Funding for this DUI operation is provided to the Arcadia Police Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Weekly Tip - Back to School Traffic Laws
The Arcadia Police Department wants to remind our residents that students are headed back to school. Remember to allow a little extra time if your travels take you near any of the schools in Arcadia, or if you are taking your kids to school. The Arcadia Police Department Traffic Bureau hopes this 2018-2019 school year will be exciting and successful. With that in mind, we would like to remind all students and parents of the shared responsibility they have of understanding and obeying traffic laws that help maintain safety in and around our school zones. For this purpose, we have provided a list of the most commonly violated traffic laws in our City’s school zones, allowing you to make a conscious and informed effort to create a safe environment for your fellow students, and or your children.
California Vehicle Code section 21458(a) describes rules for curb markings.
1. RED Curb indicates no stopping, standing, or parking, whether the vehicle is attended or unattended, (No Student Drop Off or Pick Up in Red Zones)
Curb indicates stopping for the loading or unloading of passengers or freight (20 Minutes For Material & 3 Minutes For Passengers)
3. WHITE Curb indicates stopping for the loading or unloading of passengers (3 Minutes for Passengers)
4. GREEN Curb indicates time limit parking specified by local ordinance (24 & 30 Minute Zones)
5. BLUE Curb indicates parking limited exclusively to the vehicles of disabled persons
Prohibits stopping, parking or standing of any attended/unattended vehicle on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped, parked or standing at the curb or edge of a highway (Often seen as parents drop off/pick up children in the lanes of traffic)
V.C. 22500(b) Park in Cross Walk
Prohibits the stopping, parking, or standing of any attended/unattended vehicle in a crosswalk
V.C. 22500(e) Park in Front of Public Drive
Prohibits stopping, parking, or standing of any attended/unattended vehicle in front of a public driveway
V.C. 22500(i) Bus Zone
Prohibits stopping, parking, or standing of any attended/unattended vehicle alongside a curb authorized for the loading and unloading of passengers of a bus, when indicated by a sign or red paint on the curb.
V.C. 22502 Parking Over 18” from Right Hand Side of Curb / Parking on Wrong Side of Street
Every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway…shall be stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle parallel with and within 18 inches of the right-hand curb, except that motorcycles shall be parked with at least one wheel or fender touching the right-hand curb.
V.C. 22514 Park Near Fire Hydrant
No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. EXCEPT, If the vehicle is attended by a licensed driver who is seated in the front seat and who can immediately move such vehicle in case of necessity.
Side Note—If the curb next to the fire hydrant is painted red, the vehicle stopping or parking to facilitate student pickup or drop off could still be cited for stopping/parking in a red zone
Officers commonly enforce parking laws in school zones by means of video enforcement. Officers may use video cameras to record violations as they occur and then mail the registered owner of the violating vehicle a citation for the observed violation. It is important to remember that the registered owner is the person receiving the citation, not the driver of the vehicle. The registered owner is responsible to resolve the citation. If parking citations are not cleared, either by dismissal or payment, the registered owner may not be able to renew their vehicle’s registration until the citation has been cleared by the DMV. Vehicles that have five or more citations on file are subject to impound, per California Vehicle Code section 22651(i)(1). The enforcement of parking restrictions and traffic laws in our school zones helps maintain vehicle and pedestrian safety, reminds drivers and pedestrians of their responsibility to share the roadway, and hopefully serves as a deterrent to prevent persons from future rule breaking.
V.C. 22101(d) Disobey Traffic Control Devices (No Left Turn, No Turn on Red, Yield, or No U-turn Signs at an Intersection)
When official traffic control devices are placed as required in subdivision (b) or (c), it shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle to disobey the directions of such official traffic control devices
V.C. 21461(a) Failure to Obey a Posted Sign (No left turn, No U-Turn, No Student Drop Off Signs, etc)
It is unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to fail to obey a sign or signal, or to fail to obey a device erected or maintained by lawful authority of a public body or official.
V.C. 22103 No U-turn in Residential District
No person in a residential district shall make a U-turn when any other vehicle is approaching from either direction within 200 feet, except at an intersection when the approaching vehicle is controlled by an official traffic control device.
V.C. 21950(a) Drivers Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalk
The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.
V.C. 21950(b) Pedestrian to Exercise Due Care
This section does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for his or her safety. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
V.C. 21950(c) Drivers to Exercise Due Care
The driver of a vehicle approaching a pedestrian within any marked or unmarked crosswalk shall exercise all due care and shall reduce the speed of the vehicle or take any other action relating to the operation of the vehicle as necessary to safeguard the safety of pedestrians
V.C. 21954(a) Pedestrians Outside of Crosswalks
Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard.
V.C. 21955 Jaywalking
Pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place except in a crosswalk between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices or by police officers. (Example: Duarte Road between Santa Anita & El Monte = Jaywalking)
V.C. 21100.3 Disobey a Crossing Guard
It is unlawful for any person to disobey the traffic directions of a person appointed or authorized by local authority to regulate traffic pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 21000 when such appointee is wearing an official insignia issued by the local authority and is acting in the course of his appointed duties.
V.C. 22350 Unsafe Speed (School Zone)
When signs are posted for a “School Zone—When Children Present”, the speed limit is reduced to 25 MPH. This applies whenever children are present (Before, During & After School).
V.C. 23123(a) Talking on Cell Phone While Driving (18 + = Adult) & V.C. 23124 Cell Phone Under 18 Yrs.
Adult shall not drive a vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless hands-free. Minors may not use cell or hands-free device.
V.C. 23123.5 Texting While Driving
A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communication device to write, send or read texts.
H&S 118948(a) Smoking in Vehicle
It is unlawful for a person to smoke a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in a motor vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, in which there is a minor (someone under 18 years old). For the purpose of this section, “To smoke” means to have in one’s immediate possession a lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette containing tobacco or any other plant.
The driver and all occupants of a moving vehicle must properly wear safety belts, as they were designed to be worn. The shoulder strap must be worn over shoulders, not under.
V.C. 21212(a) Helmet Laws
Persons under 18 years of age must wear a properly fitted and fastened helmet for bicycles, skateboards, roller
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Burglar Beware - It's a Community and Police Team Effort
As you can see from the CrimeMapping screenshot, burglaries over the past month continue in the area. However, Arcadia PD has had good success in nabbing several groups of residential burglary suspects in recent weeks.
Two cases, in particular, both involved a combination of adult and juvenile suspects where 4 suspects were apprehended after each burglary. Both cases occurred during daytime hours, one in the 300 block of Joyce Avenue and the other in the 2200 block of Highland Oaks Drive. In both crimes, suspects first knocked on the front door and when there was no response from inside, suspects then made their way to the rear yards and forced entry to the homes.
On Joyce, two juveniles and two adults were arrested, all being from the Highland, San Bernardino area. After the most recent Highland Oaks burglary, four juvenile teens from Altadena, Duarte, and Pasadena were arrested. One of this group, a 16-year-old from Duarte was already on probation for burglary.
Alert residents were crucial in both cases calling the police as soon as they saw something suspicious. While we remain diligent in proactive patrol, YOU play an important role in our efforts. Remember to always call the police immediately if you see something or someone suspicious.
Thanks to our partner area law enforcement for continued support and mutual aid. From officers on the ground assisting with containment of the area, to K-9 teams conducting searches, and air support overhead, we greatly appreciate the teamwork and assistance!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Weekly Tip - Who is at My Door?
A topic that is important to all of us is knowing that we are safe in our homes. There are plenty of businesses, organizations, and websites that offer burglary prevention tips for while you are gone, but what about some simple steps to help ensure your personal safety while at home? What do you do when someone knocks at your door? What should you do if you see someone suspicious in your neighborhood? Do you lock your front door when working in the backyard? Is the person at your door really legitimate?
Here are some quick thoughts on staying safe while at home:
Here are some quick thoughts on staying safe while at home:
- Don’t just answer your door. Use video cameras like Ring, peepholes or sidelight windows to see who is at the door. Ask, “Who’s there?” Inquire with anyone you don’t recognize as to who they are and what their business is. Take a look out your window. Is there a marked service vehicle, a police car, UPS, or vehicle you recognize?
- Always ask for work ID if you are not positive of who they are.
- If in any doubt, don't open the door. Tell them you are calling the police to check them out.
- Keep your front door locked, especially if you are upstairs, outback, or in another portion of the house. Unlocked doors are an invitation to trouble.
- Keep garages closed. An open garage is an invitation for theft.
- Close and lock windows at night, or at least use a window stop to limit the opening.
- If you have a cordless or cell phone, keep it with you.
- Know your neighbors and your neighborhood. Be familiar with faces and cars. If you see someone in the area that is acting suspicious, on your property or someone else’s, give your local police a call right away.
- Look around as you pull into your driveway or walk outside. Be aware of who and what is around you.

There are times when utility workers, contract tree crews, and even law enforcement may need access to your yard, but rarely your home. Don't fall prey to a ruse or distraction type crime where someone knocks and asks to come inside your home. Unless you have called for service, DO NOT allow them entry and call the police.
Suspects look for victims. They look for a weakness, an opening, an easy target. Some will try and scam or trick you into allowing them entrance to your home. Make things as difficult as possible. Do use common sense and be proactive about your own and your family’s safety.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Weekly Tip - Keep Weapons Locked Up at Home
California law requires secure storage of firearms when children under 18 are likely to be present and you are in control of the premises. Definitions and exemptions can be found in Penal Code section 25100, Criminal Storage of a Firearm.
Gun safety starts at home. If weapons are present in a home, children need to be taught proper weapon handling and safety. Weapons need to be properly secured. In the event that a child finds a gun, the National Rifle Association Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program teaches children the following:
•Don't touch!
•Leave the area!
•Tell an adult!
There is no excuse for having an unsecured weapon in your home. Gun safes are reasonably priced and are readily available. Use of a gun safe is preferred, but many police departments offer simple gun locks for free. The Arcadia Police Department officers residents gun locks free of charge at our front counter. Check with your local agency for availability.
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