Thanks to the Westfield Santa Anita Mall for hosting our Coffee with a Cop event this morning. We were lucky to have a good number of community members come and meet with our officers. These events are a great way to engage our community. This was our fifth Coffee with a Cop event since hosting our first one back in December 2013. As we gather photos, we will post them on our APD Facebook page.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Weekly Tip - Indicators of Illicit Marijuana Grow Houses
Illicit marijuana grow houses are
houses or other locations where the majority of the location is converted for
the purposes of growing marijuana indoors and less readily detected by law
enforcement. These locations are often nestled in a residential neighborhood or
local business complex. The Arcadia Police Department has investigated 14 such
locations since January 2010.
No matter your opinion on the use of marijuana, this type of operation is dangerous, not only to the grower, but also a danger to neighbors, utility workers, and public safety personnel. A typical indoor grow operation consumes many times the electricity compared to like size residences or other locations due to the high number of grow lights, ballasts, and other equipment inside the location. Most often, the electrical meters are bypassed in order to steal electricity and access higher electricity loads.
No matter your opinion on the use of marijuana, this type of operation is dangerous, not only to the grower, but also a danger to neighbors, utility workers, and public safety personnel. A typical indoor grow operation consumes many times the electricity compared to like size residences or other locations due to the high number of grow lights, ballasts, and other equipment inside the location. Most often, the electrical meters are bypassed in order to steal electricity and access higher electricity loads.
These locations also contain
liquid nutrients, fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals, posing a risk
for exposure and pollution to the surrounding grounds. One converted Arcadia
home was red tagged after growers placed fertilizer and other material directly
on the floor of several rooms, allowing it to seep into the floors, walls, and
ceilings of the home.
Excess carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide are threats depending on how the ventilation, or lack thereof, has
been used in the location. Molds can develop in the location due to excess
humidity and moisture, posing a risk to grower, occupants, and public safety.
Possible Indicators of Illicit Marijuana
Grow Houses:
- Often a rented or leased property
- Subjects "move in" with little furnishings
- Access to location is primarily through closed garage to load and unload
- Windows are closed, covered, and have possible condensation
- Bright light from high intensity lighting possibly visible through windows
- Additional vents or drain pipes added to the structure
- Accumulation of waste inside or outside (large trash bags, fertilizer containers)
- Lack of consistent and typical use of trash containers being placed at the curb
- Large lighting hoods, ballasts, electrical panels, fans, large cylinder filters being carried into the home or visible
- Strong or unusual odors
- Drilling, hammering, or other construction noises, but lacking signs of a remodel or construction workers
- Humming or fan noise from inside of the location
- Unusual, erratic, or behavior "not the norm" of persons at location, coming or going

- Look into the credit history, references, and verify identity of clients
- Have language in rental/lease contract allowing access to inspect property
- Check your property regularly - monthly
- Be leery of cash only payments or unverified "business" checks
Help us remove these dangerous
and unlawful locations from our City. If you See Something, Say Something!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Third Arcadia Location Found to Contain Indoor Marijuana Grow - UPDATE to News Release on Jan 22, 2015
The original News Release reference case #1500297 on January 22, 2015, has been updated to reflect a third location, an additional arrest, and updated numbers of marijuana plants. Original post:
"During the course of the investigation, Detectives identified a
third residence believed to be connected to the cultivation of marijuana. Surveillance
was conducted and a male subject was detained after he fled the residence in a
vehicle. A search warrant was obtained and served at
the residence in the 2700 Block of Gilpin Way, which revealed the residence was
in fact being used for indoor marijuana cultivation. As a result, Tong Wang, a 28-year-old male
Asian from Arcadia was arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on felony
charges of cultivation of marijuana with bail of $50,000.00.
All three locations were found to contain indoor marijuana grow
operations with lighting, ventilation, and electrical wiring run throughout. It appeared the electrical set-up was
bypassing the meters and also tapping directly into the electrical service at
each location. Approximately 750 marijuana plants were found in various stages
of growth throughout the Baldwin location, approximately 922 marijuana plants
at the Woodruff location, and approximately 280 marijuana plants were located
and recovered at the Gilpin Way address.
No evidence was found at any of the locations to indicate a medical
marijuana grow operation. The
investigation is continuing as to property ownership, utility theft, and
possible child endangerment."
Robert T. Guthrie, Chief of Police
by: Colleen Flores, Lieutenant
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Two Arcadia Homes Used for Indoor Marijuana Grow Operations - News Release
UPDATED to reflect third location and additional arrest:
Two Arcadia Homes Used for Indoor Marijuana Grow
Date/Time of Release: January
22, 2015 / 4:00 p.m.
Arcadia Police Department
Detectives and SWAT Team served two search warrants at Arcadia homes in the
1800 block of South Baldwin Avenue and in the 300 block of West Woodruff Avenue
during the early morning hours today. The two locations were linked during the
course of an investigation into possible indoor marijuana grow operations. Both
warrants were served without incident and indoor marijuana grows were found at
each location.
Prior to the warrant
service on Woodruff, a male was detained leaving the location in a vehicle. A
second male was seen arriving at the same location in a vehicle and was also
subsequently detained along with a female and two male infants who were inside
the Woodruff home. Gao Ming, a 46-year-old male Asian from Arcadia, and Jia Hui
Shen, a 27-year-old male Asian from El Monte, and Lan Lau, a 34-year-old female Asian from
Arcadia were arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on felony charges of
cultivation of marijuana with bail of $50,000.00 each. Los Angeles County
Department of Children and Family Services was contacted to arrange care for
the infants.
Both locations were found
to contain indoor marijuana grow operations with lighting, ventilation, and
electrical wiring run throughout. It appeared the electrical set-up was
bypassing the meters and also tapping directly into the electrical service at
each location. Approximately 750 marijuana plants were found in various stages
of growth throughout the Baldwin location and approximately 500 marijuana
plants at the Woodruff location. No evidence was found at either location to
indicate a medical marijuana grow operation. The investigation is continuing as
to property ownership, utility theft, and possible child endangerment.
with information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police
Department at (626) 574-5150, case #1500297.
If you prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime
Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your
tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the tip page at Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers, www.
Robert T. Guthrie, Chief of Police
By: Colleen Flores, Lieutenant
Police Department Parking Lot Closed February 9 - 20th for Construction
The Arcadia Police Department parking lot will be closed from Monday, February 9, through Friday, February 20, 2015, for construction and paving.
During this time, please use the City Hall parking lot, near the soccer field, for all Police and City business. You can access the City Hall lot from either W/B or E/B Huntington Dr. The Police Department lobby will be open during construction during normal business hours, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Weekly Tip - Report Suspicious Activity! #SeeSay

Having a large residential community, it is not surprising that some of our most frequent calls for service involve property theft or residential burglary. In most cases, a residential burglary begins with some type of suspicious activity within a neighborhood, often in broad daylight. This activity may range from unknown persons in vehicles perusing the area, to individuals going door to door, determining whether or not residents are home. These individuals will most likely have a driver waiting for them for a quick getaway in case someone begins to question their actions.
The best way to decrease residential burglaries is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Give criminals the message if they are in our neighborhoods, and about to commit a crime, they are being watched – not ignored – through a joint effort by our residents and the police department.
If you witness suspicious activity in your neighborhood, or see something that doesn't sit right with you, do not simply draw the blinds and turn away; please pick up the phone and call our department’s non-emergency dispatch number at (626) 574-5123 – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Of course, if you witness a crime in progress or have an emergency, always remember to dial 9-1-1.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Watch Your Speed! Our Traffic Bureau Certainly Will Be!
2014, there were 880 traffic collisions reported in the City of Arcadia. Of these collisions, unsafe speed was the
primary collision factor in 122 (14%) of the accidents. In 2014, unsafe speed was the leading cause
of collisions reported to APD.
The fundamental goal of our Traffic Bureau is to seek to reduce traffic collisions
through a three-pronged approach of engineering, education, and enforcement. On January 22, 2015 the traffic bureau will
take steps toward accomplishing our goal by conducting selective and proactive
enforcement of drivers driving at an unsafe speed on certain roads throughout the City. This operation is being
conducted as part of a Selective Traffic Enforcement Grant received and funded
by the California Office of Traffic Safety. Not on just this day, but everyday, Watch Your Speed!
For questions or more information, please contact Sergeant Kollin Cieadlo, Traffic Supervisor, 626.574.5475.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Are You a Teen Interested in Law Enforcement? Join the Arcadia Police Explorer Post!
An explorer is a volunteer scout that participates in civilian observer ride-a-longs. He or she assists the police with searches for evidence; report writing, desk officer duties, command post operations, crime prevention surveillance, disaster assistance, crowd and traffic control, security at major events, and other challenging assignments, some of which help the Explorers earn money for their post. Explorers also participate in educational and recreational trips, which involve visits to other police agencies throughout California and the Nation. With the training and direction received as Police Explorers, many young men and women have gone on to choose law enforcement as a career. Others have chosen to enter the Armed Forces and are now serving around the world.
The Arcadia Police Department Explorer Program is designed for youths 14 to 18 years of age. After graduating from the San Gabriel Valley Law Enforcement Explorer Academy, explorers are assigned to Explorer Post 101. Police officers then work with the explorers in an effort to provide community service. Officers also provide insight and guidance to explorers who decide to pursue a career in law enforcement.
The Explorer Academy is held at the San Gabriel Valley Law Enforcement Explorer Academy located in the City of Arcadia. Training includes instruction in crime prevention, basic law, report writing, drill and ceremonies, physical training, and other topics. Instruction is provided by current and retired Police Officers. Upon successfully completing the Academy requirements, recruits will receive a certificate verifying completion of training and an identification card.
-Be at least 14 years of age and in the ninth grade, or 15 (regardless of the grade).
-Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all schoolwork.
-Pass an oral interview and a background investigation.
-Have no record of arrest convictions.
-Be free of any physical deficiencies that would jeopardize yourself or others.
-Maintain good moral character.
-Register with Learning for Life (Boy Scouts of America)
-Demonstrate a willingness to participate in Explorer activities.
-Attend and graduate from the Explorer Academy.
All equipment and uniforms (except shoes) are provided by the Police Department.
Contact a member of the Explorer Coordination Team at the Arcadia Police Department:
Detective Jeff Stark
Officer Wally Ashby
Officer Jordan Elders
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Weekly Tip - Join Your Arcadia Neighbors on Nextdoor
Interested in connecting with you neighbors, exchanging ideas and sharing information? We have a great way for you to do just that!
The City of Arcadia has a long history of encouraging neighborhood interaction and communication. We believe that knowing the people who live near us makes for stronger neighborhoods, and oftentimes results in cherished friendships. The way we communicate with our family, friends, and neighbors has changed significantly in recent years with the increasing popularity of social media. One social network you may want to take a look at is is a private network that posters communication between neighbors. Participation is free. Discussion topics can range from information sharing to notices about local events and school activities, contractor recommendations, disaster preparedness, crime prevention, lost pets and…what would you like to talk about? Neighborhoods establish and manage their own Nextdoor website. The information shared on each Nextdoor site is visible only to the members who live in the neighborhood and have verified their address.
How does Nextdoor work?
Nextdoor allows neighbors to create a private website for their neighborhood. On Nextdoor, members can find neighbors in the directory, view a neighborhood map, ask for advice, exchange local recommendations, and share neighborhood information with each other. Residents can choose to see and respond to updates via e-mail, or only on the website.
How much does Nextdoor cost?
There is no charge for an Arcadia resident to participate in their neighborhood site.
How is Nextdoor different from a neighborhood mailing list?
Nextdoor is designed for the specific communication needs of a neighborhood. For example, Nextdoor websites include a neighborhood map and directory, and a catalogued list of recommendations for local services. Members can choose to receive e-mails about each new post, see everything in a daily digest, or turn off e-mails and check the website for new posts from neighbors.
What is the City’s involvement in Nextdoor?
The City will have the ability to post information on an Arcadia neighborhood site; however; the City cannot view discussions that take place outside of those related to the City post. Information the City will share with neighborhoods – individually or collectively – might include that relate area street projects, event announcements, crime prevention and safety tips, and emergency bulletins.
How do I get started?
Go to and put in your address to see if your neighborhood is already established. If not, define your neighborhood, invite your neighbors to the group, and get the discussion going! The website includes step-by-step instructions for getting started – it’s easy! Please note that for optimal participation and success, it is recommended that your neighborhood have between 250 and 2,500 properties.
If you have any questions about the City’s participation in Nextdoor, please call Media Specialist Tom Le Veque at 626.574.5108, or Linda Garcia, Special Projects Manager, at 626.574.5401.
Follow Nextdoor on Twitter @Nextdoor or like them on Facebook.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) Graduate
(Pictured from left to right are Captain Larry Goodman, Lieutenant Tom Cullen,
Sergeant John Bonomo, and Captain Paul Foley)
Sergeant John Bonomo graduated from the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI)
this past Friday after completing the 9-month course. John joins many other
Arcadia Police Department supervisors and managers who have attended
this valuable program. The courses are offered through the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training several times each year and alternate between northern and southern California. John traveled to
the San Diego area for his classes, attending a 3-4 day session each
month. Students receive reading and research assignments for each
session and demand a good deal of time and effort. Congratulations to Sergeant John Bonomo on his achievement.
From the CA POST site:
The Sherman Block Supervisory
Leadership Institute (SBSLI) is a program designed to stimulate personal
growth, leadership, and ethical decision-making in California law
enforcement front-line supervisors. Designed and implemented in 1988
through the efforts of California law enforcement professionals and top
educators and trainers, the SBSLI is an intense program based on
experiential learning techniques. Students are challenged to learn new
ways to resolve issues through group and individual work.
The curriculum takes students
through an analysis of management (planning, organizing, directing,
etc.) and leadership (inspiring, challenging, developing, etc.) and how
each discipline compliments the other. The course progresses from
self-evaluation, to interpersonal evaluation, to organizational
During the program, a typical successful student develops the ability to:
- Correlate the relationship between personal and organizational principles and values
- Exercise greater leadership in personal and professional activities
- Increase personal influence with individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals
- Analyze issues from multiple perspectives
- Develop increased self-confidence and confidence in the ability of others
- Provide support and development for peers and subordinates
- Recognize and address areas for personal improvement
- Effectively integrate management skills and leadership qualities
A typical successful student is
willing to learn, open to new ideas, and able to engage in deep
self-examination of values and beliefs. The program is not a "how-to"
course and should not be viewed as a fix for problem individuals. The
curriculum provides a forum for personal growth and development of
qualities necessary for effective public safety leadership.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Residential Burglary Becoming Too Commonplace - Remain Vigilant!
Burglary activity has spiked again, both in Arcadia, and in surrounding
areas. You can see some clustering of crime near the IS 210 corridor
and south of Duarte Road in Arcadia, as shown on the attached crime map.
The majority of Arcadia burglaries have been committed during daytime
hours. Map depicts activity from January 1-8, 2015.
the Department places additional officers, both in plain cars and
marked units in problem areas, we are not always in the right place at
the right time. Please remember to be vigilant in both your observation
of your neighborhood and with your own home safety and security.
HERE are tips for preventing home burglary. Remember, if you See Something, Say Something!
Stay informed on criminal activity in your area by subscribing to email and crime alerts through Neighboring agencies also use CrimeMapping and this will give you a good idea of San Gabriel Valley activity.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Weekly Tip - Temporary Parking Permits Available Online or in APD Lobby
A reminder that permits are once again required for all overnight parking, 2:30 - 5:30 a.m., in the City of Arcadia. Overnight enforcement was suspended for several weeks surrounding the holidays, however, enforcement began again on January 6, 2015.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Los Angeles County Baby Safe Surrender
Although recent tragic events with the abduction of an infant in Long Beach are not the target of the Baby Safe Surrender program, it is a good time to remind everyone in Los Angeles County about this life-saving program.
How to Surrender a Baby
"The Safely Surrendered Baby Law gives parents the choice
to legally leave their baby with an employee at any Los Angeles County
hospital or fire station at any time, no questions asked." Babies can be surrendered within 72 hrs of birth. Please help save a life.
Overnight Parking Enforcement Resumes Tonight
Just a reminder that Overnight Parking Enforcement resumes tonight. Annual permits can be purchased at City Hall and temporary permits are always available online, or in the police station lobby. There is no street parking without a permit between 2:30-5:30 a.m. in the City of Arcadia.
Some citations were issued early this morning for Overnight Parking and those cites will be voided. If you have any questions, please contact our Watch Commander at 626.574.5156. Our postings indicated no enforcement through January 5th.
Some citations were issued early this morning for Overnight Parking and those cites will be voided. If you have any questions, please contact our Watch Commander at 626.574.5156. Our postings indicated no enforcement through January 5th.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Thursday, January 1, 2015
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