Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Weekly Tip- Don't leave pets in your car!

Summer is in full swing and temps are on the rise.  This past weekend we saw temperatures in the triple digits and we will continue to see the heat for a few more months.  The Arcadia Police Department wants to remind pet owners that it is against the law to leave their pets in vehicles during warm weather.

Even on cooler days, the temperature inside a vehicle can rise as much as 30-40 degrees within an hour. That's even with windows left slightly open.

Persons who leave pets inside of vehicles in the heat can be charged with an infraction or misdemeanor.  In the event the animal dies, the person can be charged with felony animal cruelty.

If you come across a pet inside of a vehicle, check to see if it appears to be in distress. These signs include heavy panting, thick saliva, lethargy, restlessness, excessive thirst, and lack of coordination. If you believe the animal is in distress please call your local police and report it immediately.  If the pet doesn't appear to be in distress, have someone monitor the pet (if possible) and attempt to locate the owner and then contact the police department.

Please remember that not only is leaving your pet in the car illegal, it could be deadly!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Honoring Mike Daleo

Today marks four years since we lost our partner and friend, Mike Daleo.  Mike was one of the first Crime Analyst’s in the San Gabriel Valley and was a long time reserve officer here at APD.  We miss you Mike!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Additional Water Conservation Efforts to be Considered by the City Council

In response to the severe drought, the State of California has adopted an emergency regulation requiring local agencies to restrict water use. The City of Arcadia already has a Water Conservation Plan in place.   On August 5 the City Council will consider the implementation of Phase I Mandatory Prohibitions included in the Plan, which meet the requirements of the State.  These prohibitions are unique to Arcadia and will complement the current voluntary conservation methods residents are already practicing.  Phase I includes the following prohibitions:
  • No hose washing of sidewalks, walkways, driveways, or parking areas
  • No water shall be used to clean, fill, or maintain levels in decorative fountains, unless such water is part of a recycling system
  • No lawn, landscape, or turf areas shall be watered or irrigated between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm
  • No lawn, landscape, or turf areas shall be watered in a wasteful manner
  • No Arcadia water customer shall permit water to leak from any facilities on his premises
  • No restaurant, hotel, café, cafeteria, or other public place where food is served or offered for sale shall serve drinking water to any customer unless expressly requested by the customer

Aside from the Phase I prohibitions that will be considered on August 5, residents are asked to continue to use water efficiently and to conserve whenever possible.  Below are some tips to help reduce the amount of water your household uses:

  • Limit car washing
  • Limit landscape watering to the minimum necessary for plants to survive
  • Reuse household water when possible
  • Eliminate continuous running of water while shaving or rinsing dishes
  • Limit flushing of toilets by multiple usage
  • Limit showers to four minutes when possible
  • Check plumbing, faucets, and toilets for leaks and repair immediately
  • Wash full loads in clothes washers and dishwashers
  • Use flow restriction and other water-saving devices where possible
  • Water early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler
  • Turn off the water when shampooing your hair or brushing your teeth 
  • Cover your pool and heat it sparingly 
  • Sweep or mop your driveway and sidewalks; do not hose down your sidewalk
    If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call the Public Works Services Department at 256-6554.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Tip-Child Safety Seats

California Vehicle Code section 27360(a) - a parent, legal guardian, or driver shall not transport on a highway in a motor vehicle, a child or ward who is under eight years of age, without properly securing that child in a rear seat in an appropriate child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.

What types of Safety Seats Should You Use?

1.       Rear-facing-only seat:
Fits until baby reaches maximum weight 22-35 lbs or head close to top edge
2.       Convertible safety seat:
Fits up to 30-45 lbs. rear facing, 40-85 lbs. forward facing.  Rear facing is required until age one, recommended until age 2.
3.       Forward-facing-only:
Most fit from 30 lbs. up to 40-90 lbs.  Child must be at least age one (recommended age 2).  Harness-only restraint systems may be used.
4.       Safety Booster Seat:
For children who outgrow safety seats with a harness.  Most children need a booster from about age 3 until at least age 10-12 for proper belt fit.  Remember, the seatbelt must form around the hips, not the stomach.

If you cannot afford or you have questions on how to install a safety seat, there are many distribution and training centers in Southern California that will assist you, free of charge.  To determine the closest center, you can contact (800) 745-SAFE (English), or (800) 747-SANO (Spanish).  You can also access the list through the link at the bottom of this page or contact your nearest police department.

Please be careful and drive safely.

Barry Miller
Officer Barry Miller
Arcadia Police Department

Traffic Bureau Officer 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Remembering one of our own, Officer Albert Matthies

Today is the 87th anniversary of the murder of Arcadia Police Officer Albert E. Matthies, the only Arcadia Police Officer to be killed in the line of duty. Officer Matthies was shot while detaining three young men near the intersection of Northview and Foothill in north Arcadia on July 18, 1927, shortly before midnight. Officer Matthies came upon the men inside a vehicle parked on Northview. Officer Matthies was unaware that the men were preparing to conduct a robbery at a business nearby. The rear seat passenger was Frank Miller. Miller pulled out a .45 cal handgun and shot at Matthies, striking him in the neck. Matthies later died from the gunshot wound at 12:07 AM on July 19, 1927.

Leo Bertolina, a friend of Matthies, was riding along that night in the police car. Bertolina was able to scramble away after being shot at and hit with flying glass from windows being struck by gunfire. Bertolina telephoned for additional police assistance. The trio of suspects got away that night but were later apprehended in Los Angeles within days. The three suspects were later convicted of the murder of Officer Matthies and sentenced to prison. The shooter died in prison. The two accomplices were later paroled and died shortly after release.

The murder of Officer Matthies is memorialized at the following locations:

  • Plaque memorial at Foothill Blvd/Northview Ave, Arcadia CA. Northview Avenue has been co-named Albert Matthies Way in honor of Officer Matthies.
  • Los Angeles County Peace Officers Memorial, Whittier CA
  • California Peace Officers Memorial, Sacramento CA
  • National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Washington DC
  • Officer Down Memorial Page
  • Live Oak Memorial Park, Monrovia CA
  • Arcadia Police Department, Arcadia CA

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday Tip: Join us for National Night Out

National Night Out is fast approaching and we wanted to let everyone know a bit about the night and how it will be celebrated here in Arcadia. Celebrating it’s 31st year, National Night Out is a unique crime and drug prevention event that is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch. This year the date for National Night Out is Tuesday, August 5, 2014 and here is what it is designed to do:

• Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;

• Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;

• Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and

• Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

This is America’s night out against crime! The City of Arcadia will be celebrating National Night Out on Thursday, August 7, 2014 and it will be in conjunction the Arcadia Summer Concert on the lawn series. Please stop by and show your support for Arcadia’s Police and Fire Departments who will be in attendance for this very special occasion. Free fingerprinting for the kids, crime prevention materials and other information will be available.  NNO 2013 involved over 37.8 million people in 16,242 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide. National Night Out 2014 is expected to be the largest ever. 

Arcadia City Hall
240 West Huntington Drive

Thursday, August 7, 2014
6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday Tip: Preventing Heat Related Illnesses

The temperatures are rising as we head into the summer months.  We’ve seen temps in the mid to high 90’s and it’s only a matter of time before we hit triple digits.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer some great prevention tips to avoid heat related illness.  Visit the CDC website for this valuable information.  Simple steps like wearing lightweight, loose fitting, and light-colored clothing, along with staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water can make a difference in keeping you healthy in the heat.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

The Arcadia Police Department wants to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.  Remember that ALL fireworks are illegal in Arcadia. You can find a list of professional fireworks shows HERE.  If you choose to drink; designate a driver, take a cab, or consider using AAA's Tipsy Tow program. Celebrate responsibly.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday Tip-Vacation Checks

Summer is here and many of us will be taking vacations.  Be sure that you safeguard your home before you leave and let your neighbors know you will be out of town so they can keep an eye out for anything suspicious.  

There is one more thing you can do to have some extra piece of mind while you are away. The Arcadia Police Department’s Volunteers in Patrol offer a free Vacation Home Check where police volunteers will keep an eye on your home and conduct periodic safety checks on your property.  To sign up for this free service, call 626-574-5151 the day before you leave.