Happy Chinese New Year 2014 - Year of the Horse
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
4 Arrested for Residential Burglary after Walking in on Arcadia Resident Yesterday
Incident: Residential
Burglary Arrest x4
Date/Time of Release: January
30, 2014 / 5:00p.m.
Yesterday, January 29, 2014, at about
1:40 p.m. a trio of men knocked on the front door of a residence in the 00
block of West Palm Drive, Arcadia. The
female resident did not answer the door.
One of the men made his way to the back sliding door and made entry to
the home through the unlocked door. The
resident saw the man inside the home and yelled at him. The suspect fled, along with his cohorts to
an awaiting vehicle being driven by a female.
The suspect vehicle and occupants left the area.
The victim immediately called the
Arcadia Police Department and provided the vehicle and suspect descriptions to
the police. A short time later, the
vehicle and suspects were found by a patrol officer and stopped. During the investigation, officers found
stolen property inside the suspect vehicle.
The stolen property was ultimately identified as having been taken in an
unrelated residential burglary in Los Angeles County earlier on the 29th. Electronics, jewelry, cash, and other items
were recovered in the vehicle.
Mario D. Weiks, 19-year-old male from
Irvine, Quatrelle J. Carroll, 19-yar-old male from Long Beach, Milton K.
Sanders, 20-year-old male from Long Beach, and Jasmin M. Douroux, a 21-year-old
female from Lakewood, were all arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on
felony residential burglary charges with bails of $50,000.00 each.
The investigation is continuing by
Detectives from the Arcadia and additional law enforcement agencies. Anyone with information related to this case
is asked to call the Arcadia Police Department at (626)574-5156. You can also submit crime tips and information
via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477).
Robert Guthrie
Chief of Police
By: Tom
Le Veque
Case #14-0473
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Weekly Tip - Help Prevent "For Sale" Residential Burglary
Are there homes "for sale" in your neighborhood? Unoccupied or vacant homes can be a target for would-be thieves breaking into the home to steal appliances and other valuables. This type of burglary is not new, nor is it unique to this area, but we have noticed a recent increase in activity locally.
Residents can assist in preventing this type of crime by being attentive to homes either unoccupied or "for sale" in their neighborhood. If you notice activity at one of these locations, other than an obvious Realtor, call the police and report it. If you see unknown vehicles or trailers at these homes, note the vehicle description and license plates and immediately call the police.
Real Estate Agents or home owners can assist by making the neighbors near these homes "for sale" aware of scheduled activity and whether or not the home will be unoccupied. Keeping the neighbors informed will increase the chance of them calling the police when something is amiss. Keep the location secure and any available alarms should be kept active. Consider avoiding terms like vacant or unoccupied in public listings. And, keep a list of serial/model numbers of appliances and other valuables to assist in possible recovery should the items be stolen.
Help prevent crime! Anyone with
information on this type of incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police
Department at (626) 574-5150. If you
prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by
dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES
(274637), or using the tip page at Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
OTS Grant Funded DUI Patrols this Weekend
Upcoming DUI
The Arcadia Police Department will
be out in force this coming weekend and will conduct (2) DUI Patrols in the City
of Arcadia during the evening hours of Friday, January 31st and Sunday
Feb 2nd, 2014. The
Arcadia Police Department recently received two grants from the California
Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a year-long program aimed at preventing
deaths and injuries on our roadways, through the use of DUI checkpoints/patrols,
specialized enforcement efforts and public awareness.
One of the goals of our enforcement activity
is to promote public safety and increase awareness of the dangers associated
with drinking and driving. This will be
accomplished by providing a highly visible enforcement and publicity campaign,
in order to deter intoxicated drivers from getting behind the wheel and
driving. Through these efforts, we also
seek to reduce the number of injuries and deaths associated with collisions
involving intoxicated drivers.
would like to remind the public of the dangers associated with drinking and
driving. Enjoy spending time with family
and friends this weekend watching the big game, but remember; if you want to be
an MVP, don’t drink and drive!
forget to visit the Arcadia Police Department News & Information Blog or
follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Nixle for other pertinent news and
information. Remember, the solution
begins with you!
Funding for this operation is provided from a
grant administered by the California Office of Traffic Safety through the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Chief of Police
By: Brett Bourgeous
Alert Neighbor Watches Suspect Climb through Window, Calls Police, Suspect Arrested!
Incident: 14-456
/ Residential Burglary Arrest
Contact: Watch Commander, (626) 574-5156
Date / Time of News Release: January
28, 2014 / 3:45 PM
On January
28, 2014 at 12:57 PM, the Arcadia Police Department received a 9-1-1 call
reporting a residential burglary in progress in the 200 block of California
Street. The caller, who was witnessing
the break-in, observed a male Asian, wearing a gray t-shirt and black gloves, climb
through a second story window of a neighboring condominium.
Officers from
the Arcadia Police Department, with the help of Pasadena Police Department’s
Air Bureau, responded and began to surround and contain the identified
condominium. While getting the location
contained, the perpetrator attempted to escape via the same second story window,
but was quickly apprehended while still in the condo complex.
The perpetrator
has been identified as Randy Tran, 50 years old, and a resident of Rosemead,
California. At the time of his arrest,
Tran was in possession of stolen property from the location. Tran is being held at the Arcadia Police
Department Jail on charges of Residential Burglary, and Possession of Burglary
Tools, with a bail of $50, 000.00.
At the time
of the break-in no one was home at the target residence. This crime is still being investigated by
Operations, Team 2 and the Detective Bureau.
Robert T.
Guthrie, Chief of Police
By: Stephen
Fallavollita, Sergeant
Friday, January 24, 2014
West San Gabriel Valley Anti-Crime Task Force (AB 109 Compliance Team) Stays Busy!
The West San Gabriel Valley Anti-Crime Task Force is based out of the Arcadia Police Department and the primary focus of the team is AB 109 compliance. The team is led by a Pasadena PD Sergeant and has assigned Detectives from Arcadia PD, El Monte PD, Monrovia PD, Monterey Park PD, Pasadena PD, and South Pasadena PD. Other participating agencies include the Alhambra PD, Montebello PD, and San Gabriel PD. Costs associated for the team are offset by contributions from the State for an AB 109 enforcement program approved in the State budget.
The WSGVACTF is active throughout the area and has made several good arrests recently. The team recovered a stolen handgun taken during a West Covina residential burglary, found a wanted Parolee-at-large, and this morning, arrested a suspect after an in-progress auto burglary call in Pasadena. Follow the links to take a look at two recent Nixle messages about the team's activity below:
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Weekly Tip - Back to Basics...Think Before You Share
"For young people, more than anyone else, digital media are all about sharing: whether it’s their thoughts, photos or their latest favourite video, almost all of the devices and platforms that youth use are designed to make it easy for them to share things with their friends." (Facebook Safety posting, December 4, 2013)
Facebook Safety posted an article in early December 2013, announcing a newly released tip sheet for teens authored on behalf of Facebook and MediaSmarts, a Canadian not-for-profit organization. The tip sheet is titled Think Before You Share and has some great information, offering online safety tips for teens. Although the article and tip sheet were marketed for teens, the information is good basic safety practice and advice for anyone.
We often focus on only the "safety" aspects in order to better protect ourselves and family members while online. One of the Think Before You Share tips goes beyond just personal safety, posing the question, "Is this how I want people to see me?" This question is one we should all consider when posting or sharing. There is no separation between the physical and digital worlds we live in and our reputation is weighted evenly, both in person and online. Nothing is ever truly "private" and there really is no "undo" button. Please take the time to ask yourself this question, each and every time you post. Remember, it is your reputation!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Weekly Tip - See Something, Say Something!
The Arcadia Police Department serves a population of approximately 57,000 residents, numerous business and commercial locations, all within about 11 square miles. As expected, the men and women of the department cannot actively police every square inch of our city at all times. Therefore, more often than not, residents and visitors serve as the eyes and ears for our dispatchers and officers.
Having a large residential community, it is not surprising that some of our most frequent calls for service involve property theft or residential burglary. In most cases, a residential burglary begins with some type of suspicious activity within a neighborhood, often in broad daylight. This activity may range from unknown persons in vehicles perusing the area, to individuals going door to door, determining whether or not residents are home. These individuals will most likely have a driver waiting for them for a quick getaway in case someone begins to question their actions.

If you witness suspicious activity in your neighborhood, or see something that doesn't sit right with you, do not simply draw the blinds and turn away; please pick up the phone and call our department’s non-emergency dispatch number at (626) 574-5123 – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Of course, if you witness a crime in progress or have an emergency, always remember to dial 9-1-1.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Weekly Tip - Twitter Emergency Alerts
(@LACo_FD is the first local agency to offer Twitter Alerts)
Twitter rolled out its "Alert" system in late 2013 and it is now available for some public safety and government organizations in the US. Locally, the Los Angeles County Fire Department is a participating agency and the first local profile to offer Twitter Alerts. You can find a list of participating organizations on the Twitter Alert page.
Twitter Alerts are either text or push notifications you subscribe to from the selected agency or organization. The option to subscribe is as easy as tapping the "bell" icon on the profile page for the participating agency. Once you tap the bell icon, you will be prompted to OK (photo below) your selection for emergency alerts from the agency. When you approve your selection, the bell icon will turn orange. A pretty simple act to help keep yourself better informed in the event of an emergency or disaster. This is a great addition for instant emergency communication, especially if conventional means of notification are not in service. The Twitter Alert feature is available on iOS and Android phones.
Keep an eye on public safety and other relevant organization profiles as this feature is rolled out to additional parties.
(FEMA is a participating Federal organization)
Twitter Alerts are not the same as the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) from FEMA. For information on the WEA program, please visit our APD Blog Post on the topic, Weekly Tip - Wireless Emergency Alerts.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
News Release: Homicide (Updated)
Incident: Homicide (Updated News Release)
Contact: Watch Commander – (626) 574-5156
Date /
Time of Press Release: January 7, 2014, 4:00
On January 7, 2014, at approximately 8:24 a.m.,
officers responded to an apartment complex located in the 900 Block of Arcadia
Avenue on the report of a female not breathing. On arrival officers encountered
a female victim inside of an apartment suffering from multiple stab wounds.
Arriving officers were directed to a possible suspect who had just left the
location. Responding officers were able to locate the suspect and took him into
custody without incident.
Paramedics from the Arcadia Fire Department responded
to the scene and transported the victim to Huntington Memorial Hospital where
she was pronounced deceased by emergency room personnel.
The victim was identified as Xiaolin Li, a
41-year-old female resident of Arcadia.
The arrested suspect was identified by family members as the
father-in-law of the victim. Li Zhu, a
68-year-old male resident of Arcadia was booked at the Arcadia City Jail on a
charge of murder with his bail set at $1,000,000.00. Both the victim and suspect reside together
along with other family members.
This continuing investigation is being
handled by Arcadia Police Department Detectives. The motive appears to be related to an
on-going dispute within the family.
Anyone with
information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police
Department at (626) 574-5151. If you
prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by
dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES
(274637), or using the tip page at Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers.
Robert T. Guthrie, Chief of Police
By: Lieutenant
Colleen Flores
Bureau Commander
to Case # 14-0102
Friday, January 3, 2014
New Traffic Laws for 2014 from California Department of Motor Vehicles
SACRAMENTO — The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is reminding motorists of some of the new laws that will become effective in the new year. The following laws go into effect on January 1, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
Bicycles: Passing Distance. AB 1371 (Bradford), known as the Three Feet for Safety Act, will require a motor vehicle driver passing a bicycle that is proceeding in the same direction to pass with no less than 3 feet between any part of the vehicle and any part of the bicycle or driver. When three feet is not possible, the motor vehicle must slow to a reasonable and prudent speed and only pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist. Failing to do so can incur a fine, regardless of a collision or not. This law will take effect September 16, 2014.
Clean Air Vehicle Decals / “HOV Stickers.” AB 266 (Yee) and SB 286 (Blumenfield), together extend sunset dates for low emission, zero emission vehicles to operate in high occupancy vehicle lanes (HOV) without meeting occupancy requirements to January 1, 2019.
Commercial Driver’s License. AB 1047 (Linder) will allow the DMV to conduct the commercial drive test for the holder of an out–of–state commercial learner’s permit. The department would electronically transfer the information to the motor vehicle department in the applicant’s state of residence. AB 1047 also modifies the license class definitions to require a driver operating a bus weighing more than 26,000 pounds to hold a commercial Class B license and a driver operating a bus weighing 26,000 pounds or less to hold a commercial Class C license.
DMV Vehicle Registration Pilot Program. SB 806 (Hueso) authorizes DMV to establish a pilot program to evaluate the use of alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards, subject to certain requirements. It will also enable the DMV to experiment with electronic license plates, as well as facilitate DMV’s ability to explore cost–effective alternatives to California’s traditional metal license plate, plastic–coated registration stickers, and paper registration cards.
Registration and Vehicle Transfers Between Family Members. AB 443 (Lowenthal) prohibits the transfer of ownership of a vehicle to a relative or a revocable living trust until all parking or toll–violation fines and penalties reported to the DMV are paid by the transferee.
Teen Drivers. SB 194 (Galgiani) will prohibit a person who is under 18 years of age from using an electronic wireless communications device to write, send, or read a text–based communication while driving, even if it is equipped with a hands–free device.
Veterans License Plates. AB 244 (Bonilla) Requires the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) to sponsor a veterans’ special interest license plate and requires the DMV to issue the veterans’ plate if CalVet meets the current statutory requirements. This law creates, in addition to the current Honoring Veterans design of the Veteran’s Organization Plate, a new program to reissue the Veteran design that was issued prior to January 1, 2010. These plates are available to all vehicle owners. The Department of Veterans Affairs must secure 7,500 pre–paid applications in order for the department to implement this plate program.
Additionally, the Department of Motor Vehicles will begin the process of implementing AB 60 (Alejo)—the new law requiring DMV to issue a driver license to an applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that he/she is legally present in the Unites States —by drafting new regulations and preparing field offices to process new applications. The new law becomes operative by January 1, 2015. The applicant will be required to meet all other driver license qualifications.
For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2013, please refer to the Legislative Counsel website at http://www.LegInfo.ca.gov
Save Time, Go Online! Doing business with the DMV has never been easier. The DMV offers an array of services to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through its Website including online advance appointments for written and drive tests; vehicle registration and driver license renewals, selection of personalized license plates, changes of address and payment of fees via secure debit transactions. Customers can also effect transactions by calling DMV customer service at (800) 777–0133. DMV is a department under the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA).
SACRAMENTO — The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is reminding motorists of some of the new laws that will become effective in the new year. The following laws go into effect on January 1, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
Bicycles: Passing Distance. AB 1371 (Bradford), known as the Three Feet for Safety Act, will require a motor vehicle driver passing a bicycle that is proceeding in the same direction to pass with no less than 3 feet between any part of the vehicle and any part of the bicycle or driver. When three feet is not possible, the motor vehicle must slow to a reasonable and prudent speed and only pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist. Failing to do so can incur a fine, regardless of a collision or not. This law will take effect September 16, 2014.
Clean Air Vehicle Decals / “HOV Stickers.” AB 266 (Yee) and SB 286 (Blumenfield), together extend sunset dates for low emission, zero emission vehicles to operate in high occupancy vehicle lanes (HOV) without meeting occupancy requirements to January 1, 2019.
Commercial Driver’s License. AB 1047 (Linder) will allow the DMV to conduct the commercial drive test for the holder of an out–of–state commercial learner’s permit. The department would electronically transfer the information to the motor vehicle department in the applicant’s state of residence. AB 1047 also modifies the license class definitions to require a driver operating a bus weighing more than 26,000 pounds to hold a commercial Class B license and a driver operating a bus weighing 26,000 pounds or less to hold a commercial Class C license.
DMV Vehicle Registration Pilot Program. SB 806 (Hueso) authorizes DMV to establish a pilot program to evaluate the use of alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards, subject to certain requirements. It will also enable the DMV to experiment with electronic license plates, as well as facilitate DMV’s ability to explore cost–effective alternatives to California’s traditional metal license plate, plastic–coated registration stickers, and paper registration cards.
Registration and Vehicle Transfers Between Family Members. AB 443 (Lowenthal) prohibits the transfer of ownership of a vehicle to a relative or a revocable living trust until all parking or toll–violation fines and penalties reported to the DMV are paid by the transferee.
Teen Drivers. SB 194 (Galgiani) will prohibit a person who is under 18 years of age from using an electronic wireless communications device to write, send, or read a text–based communication while driving, even if it is equipped with a hands–free device.
Veterans License Plates. AB 244 (Bonilla) Requires the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) to sponsor a veterans’ special interest license plate and requires the DMV to issue the veterans’ plate if CalVet meets the current statutory requirements. This law creates, in addition to the current Honoring Veterans design of the Veteran’s Organization Plate, a new program to reissue the Veteran design that was issued prior to January 1, 2010. These plates are available to all vehicle owners. The Department of Veterans Affairs must secure 7,500 pre–paid applications in order for the department to implement this plate program.
Additionally, the Department of Motor Vehicles will begin the process of implementing AB 60 (Alejo)—the new law requiring DMV to issue a driver license to an applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that he/she is legally present in the Unites States —by drafting new regulations and preparing field offices to process new applications. The new law becomes operative by January 1, 2015. The applicant will be required to meet all other driver license qualifications.
For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2013, please refer to the Legislative Counsel website at http://www.LegInfo.ca.gov
Save Time, Go Online! Doing business with the DMV has never been easier. The DMV offers an array of services to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through its Website including online advance appointments for written and drive tests; vehicle registration and driver license renewals, selection of personalized license plates, changes of address and payment of fees via secure debit transactions. Customers can also effect transactions by calling DMV customer service at (800) 777–0133. DMV is a department under the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA).
Forwarded by: Sgt. T. Le Veque, Arcadia PD
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
December 2013 DUI Crackdown Results
DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint & DUI Saturation Patrol Enforcement
From December 15th
through December 31st 2013, Officers from the Arcadia Police
Department conducted 2 DUI checkpoints, 4 DUI saturation patrols and a warrant
sweep operation as part of the California Office of Traffic Safety’s
DUI Crackdown.” Funding for
these operations were provided from grants received from the California Office
of Traffic Safety as part of the AVOID 100 Multi-Agency DUI Task Force, as well
as, a DUI checkpoint and S.T.E.P. grant awarded to the Arcadia Police
Department. Enforcement results are
listed below:
DUI Checkpoints 4
DUI Patrols
4513—Vehicles passed through the
checkpoints 90—Traffic
3662—Vehicles were screened by Officers 30—Field Sobriety Tests
82—Secondary vehicle
Inspections 7—DUI Arrests
35—Field Sobriety Tests Conducted 2—Possession of
Narcotics Arrests
4—DUI Arrests 1—Minor w/BAC of .05% or more
13—Unlicensed Driver Arrests 1—Driver In possession of Marijuana
3—Suspended License Arrests 1—Criminal
Felony Arrest
2—Warrant Arrests 4—Unlicensed Driver Arrests
3—30 Day Impounds 1—Suspended License Arrest
4—Vehicle Storages 1—Warrant Arrest
1—30 Day Impounds
Warrant Detail 8—Vehicle storages
65—Warrant Services 14—Moving Citations
5—Warrant Arrests 7—Non Moving Citations
The Arcadia Police Department
would like to remind everyone of the dangers associated with drunk
driving. If you drink, please use a
sober designated driver. Let’s make 2014
the safest year yet; don’t drink and drive. Happy New Year!
Robert T. Guthrie
Chief of Police
By: Brett Bourgeous
Traffic Sergeant
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