Friday, April 29, 2011
In Memory of Deputy David March

Thursday, April 28, 2011
2011 Challenge Cup Relay (Baker to Vegas)
Congrats to Team #267 on their run in the annual Challenge Cup Relay, aka "Baker to Vegas." The relay took place over the weekend of April 16, 2011. Team #267 was a combination team made up of officers from the Arcadia, San Fernando, San Marino, and South Pasadena Police Departments, along with officers from Pasadena City College Police Department. Team #267 finished the race in about 19 hours, placing 15th out of 21 teams in their division. All runners completed their legs without injury and everyone had a great time participating. HERE is a link to the Challenge Cup website where you can find not only the history of the race, but photos, maps, and more. Funding for our participation came from t-shirt sales, the police associations, and individual officers.
Arcadia PD runners included Officers Bartley, Stark, Lopez, Trabbie, Castillo, Wider, Tea, Foulks, and Botello. Thanks to all those who helped in supporting the team, both on the course, and in preparation for the relay. A special thanks goes to Officer Jeff Stark who served as the Team Captain and coordinated APD's involvement.
Arcadia PD runners included Officers Bartley, Stark, Lopez, Trabbie, Castillo, Wider, Tea, Foulks, and Botello. Thanks to all those who helped in supporting the team, both on the course, and in preparation for the relay. A special thanks goes to Officer Jeff Stark who served as the Team Captain and coordinated APD's involvement.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Weekly Tip - Business & Commercial Safety
Don't think that banks and liquor stores have the market cornered on being victimized by robbery and other crimes. Any business, especially one that invites foot traffic is susceptible. And it is not just property crime or robbery that you should think about. Consider work place violence and internal issues, as well. Here are some tips to help improve commercial and business security:
•Alarm systems are a must. Protect your property. Businesses are prime targets for burglary of commercial items and cash. Include interior motion or similar devices to help protect against cases of tunneling from adjacent businesses and rooftop entry.
•LOCK UP! All doors, windows and any roof or ladder access, as well.
•Video cameras! A decent quality video system is a huge bonus. Cost of these items has come down and they are more affordable. Overviews, entry doors/hallways, consider placing some just above eye level, as well. Consider an infrared system for night use.
•Security patrols that check locations at different times certainly deter burglary.
•Lock your seldom used entry doors. Many businesses that are open leave a back door unlocked, but not watched. Who else besides the occasional customer can come through that door. Don't be surprised, keep an eye on who is coming and going.
•Lighting! Exterior and interior when the business is closed is a good deterrent.
•Remove cash at night, leaving cash registers open.
•Daytime valuables? Lock your purse or other items of value in a desk. Don't leave them in plain site and invite theft. This goes for cell phones, PDA's, and laptops, too!
•First in or last out? Stay alert, know your surroundings and buddy up if you can.
•List your business with the police. Make sure an up-to-date contact form is completed for your business.
•Change alarm codes or safe combos when terminating employees. Make sure all keys are returned and in your possession. If not, change the locks.
•Start with employee hiring! Who are you entrusting with your shop, goods, and money to? What type of temperament does your new hire have? Do what you can as a background before hiring. Make some phone calls to those references, drive by and door knock their home, talk to them and their family, do an Internet search on the applicant, consider using a background service.
•Don't wait to call the police. Workplace violence is a real topic. If there are threats, high tension fights or arguments, or other events of concern, call the police. Don't wait until violence occurs.
•Query the topic on-line. Here is just one site with many security tips - Crime Doctor.
•Use tips offered in our previous Residential Burglary Prevention post as many are applicable to businesses.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Arcadia's Battle of the Badges for Special Olympics
Arcadia Police and Firefighters gathered last night to battle it out on the basketball court at Arcadia High School. The event was in support of Special Olympics Southern California and was orchestrated by Arcadia Police Department's School Resource Officer Wally Ashby. Both the Arcadia Police Officers' Association and the Arcadia Firefighters' Association joined in and rallied together to make the event a success. By evenings end, several hundred people gathered in the gym and donated about $2,200.00 to Special Olympics. Although the APD team played tough, the Firefighters dominated the game, winning 80-53.
Everyone was treated during the half-time break to a 10 minute game between two of the Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Region Special Olympic teams. These young athletes demonstrated the importance of maintaining and supporting the athletic programs and games of the Special Olympics. The joy they expressed and the enthusiasm that they played with is inspiring to us all!
Arcadia High School students and staff played a key role in the success of the game, providing the venue, cheer squads for each team, and the pep-band for entertainment. The gym looked like a championship game was being played, decorated with posters and balloons to celebrate the event.
Thanks to the City of Arcadia for supporting the Police and Fire personnel who represented our City very well! Mayor Gary Kovacic and Mayor Pro Tem Bob Harbicht were in attendance and Mayor Kovacic even tossed up the game tip-off. Thank you to all in attendance for your support!
Additional photos will be posted on the Arcadia Police Department Facebook page.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Burglary Suspect Composite
The composite shown here is that of a suspect wanted in connection with a residential burglary that occurred on April 19, 2011, in the 2500 block of Lee Avenue, Arcadia. The suspect was wearing green hospital scrubs and is described as a male/Asian, about 40 years old, dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5'-06"/thin build. The suspect spoke in Korean to the victim and fled the location driving a newer model, black Nissan Altima. Initial report indicated that the vehicle was a Maxima, but was corrected by victim to be an Altima.
Anyone with information is asked to call Arcadia Police Detectives at 626-574-5160. You can also submit crime tips and information via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477), or by clicking on the "Submit a Tip" button on the APD Blog side bar.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
National Take Back Day

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is hosting the National Take Back Initiative on Saturday, April 30, 2011, 10 am to 2 pm, in conjunction with many local law enforcement agencies. This is an opportunity for you to drop off old, expired, or unused prescription drugs for safe and appropriate destruction. The Partnership for a Drug Free America estimates that each day, about 2,500 teens obtain prescription drugs in order to get high for the first time. Many of these drugs come from family, friends, and even the household medicine cabinet. "The purpose of this National Take Back Day was to provide a venue for persons who wanted to dispose of unwanted and unused prescription drugs."
HERE is a link to find a participating collection site near you! Locally, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Temple Station, San Marino Police Department, Azusa Police Department, and the Pasadena Police Department are each hosting a collection site.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Short Pursuit Ends on 210 Freeway
Incident: Vehicle Pursuit
Contact: Watch Commander (626) 574-5156
Date / Time of Press Release: April 20, 2011, 12:00pm
On April 20, 2011 at about 10:12am Arcadia Police attempted a traffic stop for a vehicle code violation. The driver failed to yield and a pursuit was initiated. Officers pursed the vehicle onto the westbound 210 freeway. The suspect vehicle slowed to approximately 15 mph and all five occupants exited the moving vehicle. The unoccupied vehicle rolled into the center median of the 210 freeway east of Madre.
All five occupants of the vehicle were arrested for evading a police officer, burglary and for possession of burglary tools. One of the suspects was transported to the hospital for minor injuries.
The suspects are two adults and three juveniles, their names are not being released at this time.
Any questions regarding this case should be referred to the Arcadia Police Department, at (626) 574-5150
Robert Guthrie, Chief of Police
By: Colleen Flores, Lieutenant
Suspect Seen During South End Burglary
A resident in the 2500 block of Lee Avenue returned home yesterday to find an unknown male Asian on their doorstep, and the front door to the home wide open. The male suspect immediately walked toward a car parked on the street and told the resident, in Korean, that he was a friend of the resident's son. The suspect then fled toward Longden Avenue in the vehicle. The resident entered the home and found it to be ransacked. The crime occurred at about 1:10 p.m.
The suspect apparently turned off the power at the home circuit breakers and then forced open a rear screen, entering through a window. The loss included a laptop computer and a watch at time of report.
The suspect was described as a male Asian, about 40 years old, 5'-06"/thin build, brown hair and eyes, wearing green hospital scrubs. The suspect spoke in Korean to the victim. The suspect vehicle was a 4-door, black Nissan Maxima.
Anyone with information is asked to call Arcadia Police Detectives at 626-574-5160. You can also submit crime tips and information via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477), or by clicking on the "Submit a Tip" button on the APD Blog side bar.
Weekly Tip - Don't Text & Drive
This video is a short documentary from AT&T on the dangers of texting and driving. The message is clear and strong in the video. Don't text and drive! Please pass the message on to your friends and family!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Awareness, Avoidance, and Control - Driver's Edge in Arcadia

The non-profit driver education program, Driver's Edge, rolled into Arcadia this weekend, setting up their classroom on wheels and hands-on collision avoidance course at the Santa Anita Race Track. The two-day event offers four, half-day, sessions where young drivers ages 15-21 are introduced to invaluable driving skills and techniques that could save their while driving. The Driver's Edge program is funded through donations, corporate sponsorship, and grant monies. The program is based out of Las Vegas, NV, and works closely with Nevada Office of Traffic Safety and Bridgestone. Arcadia is one of the recurring stops for this national drivers education program.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Midnight Robbery in front of Residence
Shortly after midnight this morning, a female victim arrived at home in the 1100 block of S. Third Avenue. She was walking to her door with her young child when she was accosted by a male suspect. The suspect demanded her purse and a laptop that she was carrying. The victim did not immediately comply and the suspect brandished a dark "handgun", discharging it toward the victim. The victim was struck in the cheek and the suspect grabbed the purse and computer, running off to an awaiting vehicle.
The victim suffered a cut and bruising on her cheek and did not require immediate medical attention. It appears that the weapon was a BB or pellet gun. The child was not harmed.
The suspect was described as a male, possibly African-American, 20-25 years old, medium build, wearing dark clothing and jeans. The suspect vehicle was described as newer, dark in color, possibly a Dodge.
Anyone with information is asked to call Arcadia Police Detectives at 626-574-5160. You can also submit crime tips and information via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477), or by clicking on the "Submit a Tip" button on the APD Blog side bar.
Meet Interim Police Chief Robert Guthrie
Interim Police Chief Robert Guthrie first started with the Arcadia Police Department in 1989 as a Police Cadet. Bob was sworn in as a Police Officer in 1992 and later promoted to Sergeant in 1998. After spending five years as a Sergeant, he promoted to Lieutenant in 2003 and Captain in January of 2011.
Over the course of his career, Bob has supervised and commanded such units as the Field Training Officer Program, Force Training Unit, SWAT Team, and the Detective Bureau. Bob also managed the Weapons of Mass Destruction Program and as a Lieutenant, Bob was the Operations Commander for both the 2008 and 2009 Breeders' Cup. In addition to his duties at APD, Bob is an instructor in Tactical Science Curriculum for the Aardvark Training Foundation.
When not at work, newly appointed Interim Chief Guthrie enjoys being at home with his wife of ten years, Jennifer, and their young son.
Please help us welcome and support Interim Police Chief Robert Guthrie!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Three Long-Time Members Enter Retirement
The Arcadia Police Department saw three long-time members bid farewell over the last couple of weeks; Chief Bob Sanderson, Captain Gene Gioia, and Sergeant Dean Caputo, all served their last days as sworn members of the Department, and now enter the ranks of the retired. These three men started their law enforcement careers as teens back in the 1970's. Bob Sanderson and Dean Caputo were both Police Explorers for APD and were later hired as Police Cadets in 1975 and 1979, respectively. Gene Gioia also began his career at APD in 1979 as a Police Cadet. Pictured here, left to right, are young Police Officers Sanderson and Gioia, and Cadet Caputo.
Chief Bob Sanderson became a sworn Police Officer in 1982, rising through the ranks over the years, first promoted to Sergeant in 1988. Bob was promoted to Lieutenant in 1995, Captain in 1999, and Chief of Police in 2005, replacing Chief Dave Hinig.
Captain Gene Gioia was sworn in as a Police Officer in 1981 and promoted to Sergeant in 1988. After ten years as a Sergeant, Gene became a Lieutenant in 1998, and a Captain in 2005.
Sergeant Dean Caputo briefly left APD to become a Police Officer at the Glendale Police Department in 1981, only to return to Arcadia as an Officer in 1982. Dean promoted to Sergeant in 1995.
Bob, Gene, and Dean have each served long and distinguished careers at the Arcadia Police Department and have each made their mark on the organization. All three men are well known throughout both the local and the law enforcement communities and are will be missed. Please join us in congratulating Bob, Gene, and Dean and in wishing them the best for a long and happy retirement.
(Chief Bob Sanderson is pictured above, standing in the APD station atrium.)
(Captain Gene Gioia is pictured above, standing to the front of APD. Sergeant Dean Caputo poses for a birthday shot shortly before retirement. Dean, the cake photos were too hard to pass up.)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
New Smartphone App Sends Tips to Crime Stoppers
The Arcadia Police Department currently participates in The Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers Program. In conjunction with LA Regional Crime Stoppers, we are proud to announce the launch of TipSubmit ™, a mobile application for the iPhone™ and Android™ smartphone that allows you to submit crime tips vis your smartphone.
Los Angeles- April 11, 2011- CrimeReports, creators of the National Crime Map, announced the launch of the TipSubmit™ Mobile application for Android™ and iPhone™. The app is the first mobile application which allows the public to anonymously submit crime tip information to law enforcement agencies, including the Arcadia Police Department, to help solve and prevent crime.
Users of the free app may continue to submit secure and anonymous tips to Crime Stoppers programs, law enforcement agencies or school safety officers and administrators. The TipSubmit applications serves the greater Los Angeles area, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies utilizing its fully integrated anonymous crime tip reporting and management system, TipSoft.
The new mobile application augments the existing TipSoft tools that allow the public to submit anonymous tips via phone, web and SMS Text-a-tip. The app offers more powerful options than SMS Text-a-Tip, because it has the ability to use Global Positioning System (GPS) to auto-locate the nearest agency or to select an agency manually. Additionally, users can attach images and video to their tips. The app also makes it possible to establish an anonymous, ongoing, two-way dialogue and real-time chat with the receiving agency.
There is no cost to the public or any user to use this application. To learn more or to download the TipSoft application, visit TipSoft.com or visit the Android Market or iTunes App Store.
*Update* When you go to select an agency, Arcadia will not be listed since we participate in the regional program. You can either manually select Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers by choosing Los Angeles County, or use the GPS feature which will select the same if in the Arcadia area. Once a tip is submitted, the information is sent directly to APD by the regional center.
Community members can continue to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the tip page at Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers.
Los Angeles- April 11, 2011- CrimeReports, creators of the National Crime Map, announced the launch of the TipSubmit™ Mobile application for Android™ and iPhone™. The app is the first mobile application which allows the public to anonymously submit crime tip information to law enforcement agencies, including the Arcadia Police Department, to help solve and prevent crime.
Users of the free app may continue to submit secure and anonymous tips to Crime Stoppers programs, law enforcement agencies or school safety officers and administrators. The TipSubmit applications serves the greater Los Angeles area, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies utilizing its fully integrated anonymous crime tip reporting and management system, TipSoft.
The new mobile application augments the existing TipSoft tools that allow the public to submit anonymous tips via phone, web and SMS Text-a-tip. The app offers more powerful options than SMS Text-a-Tip, because it has the ability to use Global Positioning System (GPS) to auto-locate the nearest agency or to select an agency manually. Additionally, users can attach images and video to their tips. The app also makes it possible to establish an anonymous, ongoing, two-way dialogue and real-time chat with the receiving agency.
There is no cost to the public or any user to use this application. To learn more or to download the TipSoft application, visit TipSoft.com or visit the Android Market or iTunes App Store.
*Update* When you go to select an agency, Arcadia will not be listed since we participate in the regional program. You can either manually select Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers by choosing Los Angeles County, or use the GPS feature which will select the same if in the Arcadia area. Once a tip is submitted, the information is sent directly to APD by the regional center.
Community members can continue to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the tip page at Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers.
Weekly Tip - Move Right for Sirens & Lights
This post ran a year ago, but is definitely worth another look!
CVC 21806 requires drivers to yield to authorized emergency vehicles. Police, Fire, Medics, and Forestry are the most common in our City, but any authorized emergency vehicle displaying at least a solid red light and a siren as needed, shall be yielded to on the road. What does this mean? The CVC is specific in saying that drivers shall not only yield, or in other words "get out of the way", but shall pull toward the right side of the road and stop. Hence the saying, "Move Right for Sirens and Lights".
- Don't panic!
- Don't stop in the middle of the road!
- Do pull to the right safely!
- Do remain stopped until the emergency vehicle has passed!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Residential Burglary Suspects
The male in this photo is one of two suspects wanted in connection to a residential burglary that occurred in the City of San Marino on April 3, 2011. Both suspects are described as male Hispanics. The truck and suspects also match the suspect and vehicle descriptions from a residential burglary case in Arcadia that occurred back in February.
Anyone with information is asked to call Arcadia Police Detectives at 626-574-5160. You can also submit crime tips and information via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477), or by clicking on the "Submit a Tip" button on the APD Blog side bar. San Marino Police Department, Detective Torres, can be reached at 626-300-0726.

Monday, April 11, 2011
Dispatcher Appreciation Week
The week of April 10-16, 2011, is Dispatcher Appreciation Week, also know as National Telecommunicators Week. We are lucky to have some great Dispatchers at the Arcadia Police Department and we don't take the time to say "thank you" often enough.
Our Dispatchers are the direct link to our Officers in the field. They monitor the radios, computers, phones, and more, answering tens of thousands of calls from our community each year. They help keep our Officers safe each and every day. Thank you Arcadia Police Department Dispatchers!
Pedestrian Fatality, Second Teen Seriously Injured
Incident: Injury Traffic Collision, Auto v. Pedestrians
Contact: Watch Commander (626) 574-5156
Date / Time of Press Release: April 10, 2011 – 9:45PM
On April 10, 2011 at about 6:40pm, Arcadia Police and Paramedics responded to an injury traffic collision in the 600 block of west Duarte Road. Preliminary investigation revealed that two 16-year-old girls were crossing Duarte Road on foot when they were struck by a vehicle travelling westbound on Duarte Road.
One of the girls died as a result of injuries sustained in the collision. The other girl was treated and transported to Huntington Memorial Hospital with serious injuries.
The driver of the vehicle, a 20-year-old Arcadia man is not being held at this time.
Cause of the collision is under investigation by the Arcadia Police Department Major Accident Investigation Team – refer Detective Hale (626) 574-5161.
Robert Guthrie, Interim Chief of Police
By: Bob Anderson, Lieutenant
Contact: Watch Commander (626) 574-5156
Date / Time of Press Release: April 10, 2011 – 9:45PM
On April 10, 2011 at about 6:40pm, Arcadia Police and Paramedics responded to an injury traffic collision in the 600 block of west Duarte Road. Preliminary investigation revealed that two 16-year-old girls were crossing Duarte Road on foot when they were struck by a vehicle travelling westbound on Duarte Road.
One of the girls died as a result of injuries sustained in the collision. The other girl was treated and transported to Huntington Memorial Hospital with serious injuries.
The driver of the vehicle, a 20-year-old Arcadia man is not being held at this time.
Cause of the collision is under investigation by the Arcadia Police Department Major Accident Investigation Team – refer Detective Hale (626) 574-5161.
Robert Guthrie, Interim Chief of Police
By: Bob Anderson, Lieutenant
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Weekly Tip - No Right Turn on Red
Several intersections throughout town have "No Right Turn On Red" signs or lights posted in order to assist traffic safety. Some of the intersections include Huntington Drive/Second Avenue, the eastbound Interstate 210 exit at Baldwin Avenue, First Avenue/Santa Clara Street, and eastbound Huntington Drive/Santa Clara Street. The majority of intersections are signed with universal symbol or older style, block print signs indicating that a turn is prohibited on a red signal.
The one exception is the intersection of Huntington Drive at Santa Clara Street where there are three LED signs that only illuminate in conjunction with the pedestrian signal. The LED signs display the universal "No Right Turn On Red" symbol when lighted. One of the sections used to enforce these signs is CVC 21461(a).
It is important for drivers to obey these signs and signals. As stated, the primary reason for restricting a right turn is to enhance driver and pedestrian safety. There may be roadway or vision obstructions that are not readily apparent to drivers or there may be a need for a protected pedestrian phase. These signs are not posted without cause, so please be aware of posted signs and obey the direction or restriction.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Package Theft Suspect Composite
Recognize this woman? The composite depicts a female suspect in a package theft that occurred back on March 30, 2011. A UPS package was taken by the suspect from a front porch in the 400 block of E. Las Flores Avenue at about 7:19 p.m. The victim heard noises on her porch and looked out to the see the female suspect running off with the package to an awaiting vehicle.
The suspect is described as a female Hispanic, 20-35 years old, medium build, long dark curly hair, wearing a pink sleeveless shirt and black pants. The driver of the suspect vehicle was only described as a female Hispanic, 25-35 years old.
The suspect vehicle is a newer 4-door sedan, bright blue in color, with a California license plate similar to "6EL555" or "6EL556".
Anyone with information is asked to call Arcadia Police Detectives at 626-574-5160. You can also submit crime tips and information via text, phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 800-222-TIPS (8477), or by clicking on the "Submit a Tip" button on the APD Blog side bar.
Refer Case #11-1663.
Monday, April 4, 2011
ACTION Emergency Preparedness Workshop
From the City of Arcadia website:
Baldwin Avenue Closed Saturday for Santa Anita Derby Day 5K
The 17th Annual Santa Anita Derby Day 5K Run & Walk will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2011. As a result of this event, vehicles driving on Baldwin Avenue between Huntington Drive and Foothill Boulevard will be delayed or diverted from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. It is recommended that alternate routes be used during this time period to avoid being detoured or delayed.
For alternate north-south travel, use Michillinda or Santa Anita Avenues. Westfield Santa Anita Mall and Santa Anita Race Track may be accessed from Huntington Drive entrances during the run.
Questions or concerns may be directed to Sergeant Jason Davis or the on-duty Watch Commander at the Arcadia Police Department, (626) 574-5156. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
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